Sanskrit through stories

Learn Sanskrit by reading stories you love. No grammar, drills, or busywork necessary.

The explosive power of stories

Here's a secret that all of the world's great language learners know: we acquire a language by engaging with content that we like and understand. That's all we need, and that's the only way it can happen.

That's why we created our free library of Sanskrit stories for all ages and levels. All you have to do is keep reading books you like. Even a complete beginner can find something in our library to read and enjoy.

Answers with a single click

If you want to know what a word means, click it to find out. Every word in our library has a simple translation in plain English, and our simpler stories also have full sentence translations. We also explain grammar for those interested.

Here, try it out for yourself:

saṃskṛtaṃ bhāṣā.

saṃskṛtaṃ sundaram.

saṃskṛtaṃ sundarī bhāṣā.

Or, choose a different script:

That's it!

As long as you keep reading content you like and understand, you'll acquire Sanskrit naturally and subconsciously without needing grammar, drills, exercises, or dull busywork.

It sounds too good to be true. But this isn't just wishful thinking. This is the majority finding of more than four decades of second language acquisition research.