Disturbed by the transience of worldly life, the prince of Kapilavastu abandoned his kingdom in search of a solution to human suffering. Today, we know him as the Buddha.
Our series retells the Buddhacarita, the oldest full biography of the Buddha. It also contains some adapted Jataka stories and parts of the Diamond Sutra.
Books available
- Title
- Unique words
buddhaḥ kaḥ?
Who is the Buddha, and who are his family members?
7 -
buddhaḥ kim akarot?
Prince Siddhartha, who later became the Buddha, went to many places during his life. Where did the Buddha go, and what did he do when he went there?
16 -
rājaputro jāyate
The prince of Kapilavastu, who will later become the Buddha, is born. This book corresponds to the first canto of the Buddhacarita.
30 -
The king does everything he can to make sure his son has a happy, pleasant life. This book corresponds to the second canto of the Buddhacarita.
33 -
rājaputraḥ saṃvignaḥ
The young prince leaves the palace, but what he sees disturbs him greatly. This book corresponds to the third canto of the Buddhacarita.
37 -
The Jataka tales tell stories of the Buddha's past lives, whether as a human being or as different animals. Our rendition here simplifies the language of the original stories while preserving their character and message.
40 -
vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā
The Diamond Sutra told at four levels of difficulty. Level 1 is for beginners, and level 4 is the original.